Sponsors, like volunteers, are a key component of keeping our club running. Please consider the companies mentioned here that have generously donated to the club. If you do contact them don't forget to mention that you got the link from NWPC.
Our current sponsors are:
- Jellis Craig Real Estate
- Everyone in Northcote knows Sam Rigopoulus, Melbourne's Number 1 Agent
- Northcote Plumbing and Gas
Your local Northcote Plumber! Multiple club members have used Michael and all speak highly of his work
"We provide all types of plumbing services, to meet any residential, commercial or industrial need. Whether it’s a burst pipe you want rectified or the plumbing maintenance of your commercial premises taken care of, we’re here to help. Tell us your needs and we will take care of them."
Michael Naldrett
0411 393 766
- info@northcoteplumbingandgas.com.au
- Australian Realestate Home Loans
Thank you Andrew White from Australian Real Estate Home Loan for sponsoring our club. Club members have used the team at ARHL with great results
Review your home loan and if we can get you a better deal, and the loan settles, we will donate a portion of the commission to the club.
03 9325 4255
0403 310719
So you see we have you covered when you want to buy/sell a house - get the best marketing deal if you are buying, get the best loan, and then get the plumbing sorted out!